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Rolls Battery products are sold around the world exclusively via distribution.  To support our Rolls Battery Distributors, Dealers & Installers, we are pleased to offer a variety of marketing materials for download.  Printed copies of brochures and manuals are available upon request and may be shipped to Distributor or Dealer locations with product orders.

NOTE: We encourage any reference to these materials, as well as product spec sheets, be made directly from our website as versions and/or information may change without notice.


The Rolls Battery Engineering logo is a registered trademark of Surrette Battery Company Limited.  To protect and grow the Rolls Battery Engineering brand, only authorized Distributors, Dealers and Installers may reference and display this logo with prior consent.  Products should not be advertised, labelled or referenced in marketing materials as “Surrette”, “Rolls Surrette” or “Rolls by Surrette” batteries as this is not the registered brand.

Logos must be displayed as outlined in the included Brand Standards document linked with the logo in various file formats:

Rolls Battery Logo & Brand Standards  (.eps .pdf & .png formats)

To request product images, please contact:

Jeff Myles – Marketing Manager

New Distributors or Dealers wishing to be listed on our Distributor Search tool may request via their sales representative.

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